Origin: Gold Coast, Qld
Milk: Cow
Age: 8 - 12 weeks
Price: $9.10/100g
Nashua looks innocent with its velvety white rind. The only hint of its flavour is the almost caramel coloured paste.
This soft stinker may look like a Brie, but it is inspired by Epoisses. Regular washing with a culture infused morge gives Nashua a strong savoury complexity. One that develops as it ages. The lingering flavour is complemented by the rich creaminess provided the milk made by Jersey girls of Northern NSW. The end result is a washed rind cheese that tastes local.
Nashua’s favourite partner is a big leathery red with lots of berry flavours. It also mixes well with aromatic whites, pale ale cider and port
Nimbin Valley Dairy Nashua
PriceFrom $9.10